Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)
Recently, our honorable Prime Minister Narendra modi launched a website on completion of 60 days of his government. The official website link is and is made to help Indian people to contribute in governance by giving suggestions, thoughts, and ideas related to our country. Moreover, on this website you can also give and share your ideas and suggestions on various topics including Ganga clean, infra development, girl child education, skill development, corruption, sarkari naukri, and education field.
About IWMP
Watershed is mainly designed to restore the ecological balance by harnessing, communicating, and creating dishonored natural resources like soil, vegetative cover, and water. Moreover, the outcomes are prevention of soil run-off, rebirth of natural vegetation, rain water harvesting and renewal of the ground water table. It allows multi-cropping and the introduction of different agro-based activities as well. In addition, it will help to give sustainable source of revenue to the people existing in the watershed area. Furthermore, there is a scheme of technology development (STD), extension and training (TDET) is being executed as well to endorse development cost effective and proven technologies to maintain watershed management.
Suggest NAME, LOGO, and Tagline:
If you want to do something for a nation then this is the best opportunity for you. There is a contest for generating NAME, LOGO, and TAGLINE for IWMP. Suggest a name, logo, and tagline for an integrated watershed management programme (IWMP). You have to submit the suggested name, designed logo, and tagline of IWMP on the website link given above. There will be many participants for this contest. Be the first one of participate and win the prize. Winner will be given cash amount.
What are you waiting for? Just do it! Well, you can get more information about this on the official link given above. You will have to sign up to take part in the contest. If you have any question or doubt regarding it then please feel free to leave comment below and get your answers.