Are you looking for a procedure to get the duplicate leaving certificate? Lost your leaving certificate? Don’t worry! I am here to help you out! Here, in this article, I have posted the official instructions to get the duplicate leaving certificate. Let’s have a look at it.
How to get Duplicate School Leaving Certificate?
School leaving certificate is a very vital document that you must have. You need it frequently whenever you apply for legal documents. It is necessary to have the leaving certificate with you.
In case of a lost leaving certificate, you need to submit an application form and do the whole process to get the duplicate one. Here are the simple steps that you must follow.
Also Check – Application for School Leaving Certificate – Download Samples
Step 1. For getting the school leaving certificate, you need to make an affidavit on RS. 100 Stamp Paper and a notary stamp with signature.
Step 2. Go to your last school and submit the affidavit to the principal.
Step 3. You will be given an application form. Fill up the application form with the mandatory details of the form. Attach the required documents with the application form and submit it.
Step 4. You will be given a receipt after submitting an application form.
Step 5. Now, you will have to wait for the duplicate leaving certificate to be issued.
Step 6. Moreover, to check the status of your certificate you can call your school and ask for it.
These are the official steps to get the duplicate leaving certificate from your last school. You will need the certificate every time you apply for any competitive examination.
The affidavit says that you have already issued the leaving certificate by the school authorities and the same is lost or misplaced. You are requesting another leaving certificate from the school authorities.
Well, it happens sometimes that you lost your crucial documents. You don’t have to worry at all as you can apply for the duplicate one as well. Request for the duplicate certificate in your school and get the new one within a few days.
A duplicate leaving certificate is valid everywhere. You can submit it whether you are applying for a competitive exam or issuing any legal document. Keep your documents in a safe place!
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